What is the significance and merit of always being in wudu?

Published on: March 2, 2018

The Answer;

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Imam Ahlus Sunnah Imam Ahmad Raza(ra) has stated,

“The pious elders have said that anyone who stays in a state of wudu at all times may be awarded with seven bounties by Allah(swt):

  1. The Angels will be enthusiastic to avail his company.
  2. The holy pen will keep on writing good deeds for him.
  3. His organs will perform Tasbih of Allah.
  4. He will never miss his Takbir Tahrimah (first Takbir of Salah).
  5. When he sleeps, Allah sends Angels who will protect him from the evils of jinns and human beings.
  6. He will feel ease ate the time of death.
  7. He will remain in the safeguard of Allah as long as he is in the state of wudu.” (Ibid, pp. 702, 703)

Though it may be difficult to perform wudu when it is cold or when we are tired or suffering from illness, but if one still performs wudu in such a state of difficulty, the reward is twofold. (Al Mu’jam ul Awsaṭ lit Ṭabrani, pp. 106, vol. 4, Hadith 5366)

And Allah(swt) alone knows best.

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