Family life is the foundation of a successful society, and marriage is an occasion of great joy in the Muslim community. Our beloved Prophet and Messenger of Allah said,
“We have not seen anything better than marriage for those who are in love”
(ibn Majah, 1847)
London Fatwa Council (LFC) facilitates the solemnisation of an Islamic marriage, by authorising a contract of marriage, known as the ‘Nikah’.
London Fatwa Council Requirements for a Nikah
In order for a marriage to be conducted by a qualified Scholar form London Fatwa Council, we have the following conditions;
- Mutual Agreement: Both families must agree or have been clearly informed of their intention to be married.
- Religious compatibility: Both spouses must be of the same belief and creed. The Shahadah must be taken in case of a revert. If no Shahadah certificate is evident please note the whole Shahadah process will be repeated, logged and registered at the LFC.
- Documents: Passport copy and a driving licence or a current Utility bill. Civil Marriage certificate or booking confirmation of the same, for the day of Nikah.
- Age compliance: In accordance to the law; both bride and groom are to be aged 18 years and over. It is a criminal offence to marry under the age of 18, with the offence carrying a sentence of up to 7 years in prison, for any party involved in this marriage; including those conducting, witnessing or in any way involved in this marriage, including family and friends. The offence includes marriage in non-legally binding ceremonies, such as an unregistered Nikkah.
- Maintenance: Please note, the Imam may need time to make the best judgement and decision as to the appropriateness of the marriage, based on the groom’s ability to provide maintenance; which is considered obligatory (wajib) on the husband or in the event that the wife agrees to finance the husband, this too will need to be clarified.
- Bride and Groom to be present: preferably the same building/venue.
- Bride’s Wali (guardian) or Wakeel (attorney) to be present: Marriage is a happy occasion and should not exclude the family. LFC does not support, nor conduct, a secret or a runaway marriage. The Imam conducting the marriage, may call the guardians of the bride and groom to confirm their consent to the marriage, if they are not present or he is informed they are abroad.
- In the absence of the Wali: If the Qadhi is content that permission was sought from the Wali, but his ground for refusal was on a discriminative basis; ie culture, race, caste, the Nikah will be conducted and considered valid.
- Witnesses: Please ensure there are two male Muslim, sane and able witnesses who have a valid British passport. It is preferred that one witness is represented from either side; both from the bride and groom. Along with the brides Wali or Wakeel (attorney), there will be three witnesses present in total.
- Travel restriction: There must be no immigration restrictions on either party.
- Something sweet: To share following the Nikah; Arabian Dates as is Sunnah.
Nikah Fees
£150 non-refundable deposit payable at the time of booking. Nikah must be booked at least one week prior to the occasion. No Nikah will be booked unless a deposit is paid in advance.
London Fatwa Council office: £200, of which £150 must be paid at least a week in advance of the event.
External venue: If the Nikah is to be conducted at a venue of your choice, and within three (3) miles radius of London Fatwa Council, then a £300 charge is payable, with a deposit of £150 to be paid at least a week in advance of the event. The external price begins at £300 and will increase depending on distance from the office. Contact to ascertain an exact cost for your Nikah.
Nikah certificates: The issuing of any Certificate of Nikah, after Shariah verification, will be chargeable at £150 for a Nikah conducted in the UK and £200 for a Nikah conducted outside the UK.
Refunds: Any cancellation by the LFC, due to unforeseen circumstances, will be refunded in full. Otherwise, we follow a strictly non-refundable deposit policy.
3 Steps to Book your Nikah
- Call 020 8201 3632/ 07985463440 to check availability of a Qadhi to conduct your Nikah. We recommend you book your Nikah as soon as you have a date in mind. Please be aware that the summer months are a busy time for Nikah ceremonies, therefore, kindly book well in advance to avoid disappointment.
- Once you have confirmation of date, pay £150 deposit immediately to secure your booking. Write your name and date of event as payment reference. ie. ‘Aadam Ali, 13.12.19’.
- Send a confirmation email , using the form below with your name and date of Nikah, once you have paid into our account. Payments can be made here;