The Answer;
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
The four Faraid of wudu, in accordance to Imam Abu Hanifa(ra) are as follows;
(Fatawa al Alamgiri, pp.3, 4, 5, vol.1, Bahar-e-Sharī’at, pp.288, vol. 1)
*Definition of ‘Washing’ an organ means the flowing of at least two drops of water on each part of that organ. If the organ is simply moistened by rubbing a wet hand over it, or if only one drop of water flows over a section of it then it will not be considered washed and the wudu or ghusl will not be valid in that case. (Fatawa Radawiyyah, pp. 218, vol. 1, Bahar-e-Sharī’at, pp. 288, vol. 1)
And Allah(swt) alone knows best.