What do the learned scholars and jurists of Islam, say regarding taking COVI9-19 vaccination during the month of Ramadhan, while fasting? Will the fast break or remain due to the vaccine/medicine entering the body via the injection?

Published on: April 2, 2021

The Answer;

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Bismillahi Was Salatu Was Salamu A’la Rasulillahi, man La Nabiyyah Ba’dah wa A’la Saai’ris Sahabah Ridwanullahi ta’la A’nhum Ajm a’een.

The integrals of fasting are to refrain from eating, drinking and indulging in conjugal relations, within the specified time of dawn until dusk. If there is an intentional violation in the state of fasting, i.e. if one eats, drinks or indulges in conjugal relations, then the fast would be rendered void and a an expiation or make up would be necessary.

“li anna Intiqaad as Shay inda fawaat ruknihi amrun Dururi wa Dhalika Bil Akle wash Shurbi wal Jima’”  – (Badai’ As Sanai’)

[Making up for fasting upon breaking its integrals such as eating, drinking and conjugal relationship becomes necessary.] – (Badai’ As Sanai’)

For the purposes of the question at hand, related to the state of ones fast upon undergoing the COVID-19 vaccinations, I will pay particular attention to the “eating and drinking” integral of the above definition, ruling out the integral of conjugal relations. Upon the advice of Muslim medical experts, we can confirm that the COVID-19 vaccine is not related to nutrition and therefore would not be considered as the “eating and drinking” integral of fasting. According to the fuqaha the integral of “eating and drinking” is established when either the food or drink, reach or indeed benefit either the brain or the stomach respectively, by way of natural openings, as stated in, Hidaya, Fathul Qadeer and Shami, “Wusul Ma Fihi Silahul Badan ila al jawf ”[It is to reach the body from its opening to the stomach].

There are five natural openings that lead to the stomach, the throat, ear, nose, rectum, and the urinary passage of the woman. Furthermore, there exists a passage between the brain and the stomach, therefore, that which reaches the brain, also reaches the stomach, as elaborated in Bahr Ar Rain and Shami, “Wat Tahqeeq inna Baynal jawfir Ra’s wa Jawfil Mi’dah Munfizan asliyyan, fa ma wasala ilal jawfir Ra’si wasala ila jawfil Badan” [it is established that there lies a passage between the brain and the stomach, whatever reaches the brain reaches the stomach too and therefore would render the fast void.]

Having understood what constitutes nutrition and indeed the natural openings and entrances in to the stomach and invalidity of fasting, lies the question, will “food and drink” by means of “unnatural openings” i.e. via injection or tubes inserted into one’s body, come under the ruling (hukm) of the five natural openings mentioned earlier? 

The answer is, yes, if medicine is injected or transferred by tube into injuries via; 

1. Aammah: this is a deep injury, which reaches the roots of the brain. When medicine is applied, it goes directly inside the brain.

2. Jaa’ifah: this is a deep injury that affects the abdomen. Any medicine administered there, reaches the stomach.

Since both treatments directly reach the brain and stomach respectively, they would break the fast.

As for injuries to the thigh, shin, and the arm, where the COVID-19 vaccine is ordinarily administered via injection, it is established that the vaccine does not reach the stomach directly and even if the effect of the vaccine or medicine does indirectly reach the stomach, the fuqahaa state that this does not invalidate the fast. (Hidayah P200). 

Injections, did not exist during the time of the Messenger of Allah nor during the times of the A’ima Mujtahideen. Therefore no Hadith or quote of the A’imma with regards to the specific word of an “injection” exists. Therefore, the jurists have based it on the deductive and inductive principle that links the premise of vaccination/injection to the general principles and similarities. Such as, the analogy of a snake or scorpion bite, wherein the venom penetrates into the body. In most cases, snake poison affects the brain and kills, while a wasp sting causes swelling to the affected area and in extreme cases the venom can cause death. This  indicates that an external entity has entered the body and penetrated inside, which no jurist has said invalidates the fast. The consensus of the jurists is that it should be treated, but the fast will be valid, as long as nothing is consumed orally to treat the bite. 

When we carefully study the wordings of Badaa’ius Sanaa’I, regarding the reasons why snake and insect bites do not invalidate ones fast, we understand that when something enters the human body, it does not instantly break the fast, this is because of the following two stipulations;

  1. It should reach the inside of the stomach or into the brain via the throat, ear, nose, rectum, and the urinary passage (of the woman).
  2. It should reach the stomach or into the brain through a direct passage (unnatural). This is why, a stroke patient has a tube inserted into his throat and liquid food goes directly to his stomach, which invalidates the fast). 

The effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, no doubt reach the whole body, however, this is not through a direct, or natural passage. Therefore, the conclusion is that the COVID-19 vaccine will not break the fast, unless an injection is administered directly in the stomach or to the brain. 

And Allah(swt) alone knows best.

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